
Apple iPad 3 Wi-Fi + 4G 64GB AT&T/Blackberry Porsche Design P’9981 موضوع جديد

Email: [email][email protected][/email]
MSN: [email][email protected][/email]
Web: [url=http://phones4ever.miiduu.com]Phones 4 eVER[/url]
Company Name: Phones 4 Ever LTD
Registration Number: 07765150
Status: Active
Bonanza !!! Bonanza !!! Bonanza !!! Bonanza !!! Bonanza !!! Bonanza !!!

Enjoy Our International Sales Promo

Buy 3 units and get 1 unit FREE.
Buy 5 units and get 2 unit FREE including shipping.
Purchase of 10 units and get free shipping, including 4.

Shipping Method:
Payment Method:
Money Order
Money Booker
Liberty Reserve
Credit Card
Western Union
Money Gram
Google Checkout
Note: This phone is 100% unlocked and can be used with any SIM card. No activation required (check frequency requirements Carrier) the inclusion of a card and start using the phone.

New Apple iPad 3 Wi-Fi + 4G 64GB AT&T …. $599
New Apple iPad 3 Wi-Fi + 4G 32GB AT&T …. $529
New Apple iPad 3 Wi-Fi + 4G 16GB AT&T …. $499

New unlocked blackberry Porsche Design P’9981… $980
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We still have other products like iPhones , Blackberrys , HTC , Nokia , Samsung , LG , Sony Ericsson and some Laptops Like iMac, Macbok Air , Sony Laptops and some Plasma TVS… Contact us for more information.

Email: fones4eva@hotm ail.com
MSN: [email][email protected][/email]

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