ملتقى التعليم والحياة المهنية

كيفية صنع شيش طاووق الروبيان بحوث جاهزة

كيفية صنع شيش طاووق الروبيان 1247163435img11.jpg

مستوى الصعوبة : عادي

1كيلو ربيان مقشر ومنظف.

1ملعقة شاي ثوم مهروس.

2/1 ملعقة أكل بهارات مخلوطة.

2/1 ملعقة أكل مسحوق فلفل أسود.

1 ملعقة شاي أجينموتوا.


4 ملاعق أكل خل.

1 ملعقة أكل مسحوق كزبره وكمون.

بصل مقطع مربعات.

فلفل رومي مقطع مربعات.


أعواد خشب للشك.

زيت للقلي.

بيض مخلوط.

بقصم ناعم.


01 نضع كل المقادير الأولى ويخلط مع الربيان ويترك لمدة 3 ساعات، ثم يزال الماء الذي تكون من خلطة الربيان.

02 يغمس الربيان في البيض ثم في البقصم ثم نضعه في الثلاجه لمدة ساعة قبل القلي.

03 يخرج من الثلاجه ثم نأخذ العودان الخشب ويشك المشروم ثم ربيان ثم بصل ثم ربيان ثم فلفل وهكذا حتى ننتهي من المقدار.

04 ويقلى بالزيت ويقلب على الجهة الثانيه حتى يحمر قليلاً.
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ملتقى التعليم والحياة المهنية

تحميل تحضير درس 9 الصف الثاني متوسط بسرعة


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ملتقى التعليم والحياة المهنية

طريقة تحضير السمك بالكركم والمستردة – تحميل جاهز

طريقة تحضير السمك بالكركم والمستردة 1243739857fish_tcm35

مستوى الصعوبة : سهل

كيلو سمك فيليه.

2 ثمرة فلفل رومي أحمر وأخضر.

ملعقة صغيرة مستردة.

ربع ملعقة صغيرة كركم.

عصير ليمونة.

بصلة مقشرة ومقطعة شرائح رفيعة.


6 فصوص ثوم مقشر ومهروس.

زيت للتحمير.


01 قطعى ط§ظ„ط³ظ…ظƒ إلى شرائح متساوية وتبلى بالملح والثوم وعصير الليمون ظˆط§ظ„ظ…ط³طھط±ط¯ط©

02 قطعى الفلفل والبصل إلى شرائح رفيعة

03 حمرى السمك في الزيت وضيفى البصل عند التحمير والفلفل والمستردة والكركم وقليل جداًَ من الماء الساخن واتركى السمك على النار حتى ينضج.

: نصائح

قدمى في سرفيس ويتم الديكور بحلقات الليمون وأوراق البقدونس والطماطم المشوية
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ملتقى التعليم والحياة المهنية

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ملتقى التعليم والحياة المهنية

كيف احضر سمك فيليه مقلي – بحث مدرسي

كيف احضر سمك فيليه مقلي 124422552611.jpg
مستوى الصعوبة : سهل

4 شرائح من السمك الفيليه

كوب و ربع من الدقيق

2 ملعقو كبيرة من خل التفاح

2 حبة بيض


نصف كوب من الماء

3 ملاعق من الزيت

نصف كوب من دقيق الذرة

زيت للقلي


01 يوضع الدقيق في إناء

02 ثم تصنع حفرة في الوسط يضاف فيها الخل و البيض و الملح و الزيت و يعجن المزيج جيدا حتى يكون عجينة لينة

03 ثم يترك 30 دقيقة

04 يخفق بياض البيض في إناء حتى ينتفخ و يتماسك

05 ثم يضاف إلى الخليط

06 ينثر على السمك بعض من دقيق الذرة من كل الجهات

07 ثم يغلف بالخليط السابق

08 يقلى السمك في زيت عميق معتدل السخونة حتى يصبح لونه ذهبياً

09 ثم يصفى و يقدم مع شرائح الليمون و البطاطس المقلية
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ملتقى التعليم والحياة المهنية

تحميل كتب تعليم اللغة الفرنسية للمبتدئين pdf مجانا بسرعة

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تعليم اللغة الفرنسية للمبتدئين


تعلم اللغة الفرنسية

كتاب ( تبسيط اللغة الفرنسية )

دار الإرشاد للنشر – حمص

إعداد : إبتسام نصر الصالح

عدد الصفحات 115 صفحة.

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ملتقى التعليم والحياة المهنية

كيف احضر شاكرية – بحث مدرسي

كيف احضر شاكرية 1252552929img5.jpg
مستوى الصعوبة : عادي

300 غ من لحم البقر قليل الدهن المقطّع إلى مكعّبات كبيرة

18 حبة صغيرة الحجم من البصل مقشّرة

4 أكواب أو 1000 مل من اللبن الزبادي قليل الدسم

2 مكعبات من مرقة الدجاج ماجي ملح أقل مفتّتان

1½ ملعقة طعام من دقيق الذرة

1 من زلال البيض مخفوق قليلاً

1½ ملعقة طعام من زيت الزيتون

1½ ملعقة طعام من الثوم المسحوق

2 ملاعق طعام من النعناع الطازج المفروم

2 ملاعق طعام من الكزبرة المفرومة


01 تُغلى مكعّبات لحم البقر مع حبّات البصل الصغيرة في قدرَين صغيرتَين منفصلتَين حتّى ينضجوا.

02 في هذه الأثناء، يُمزَج اللّبن القليل الدّسم مع المكعّبين المفتّتين من مرقة الدجاج ماجي ملح أقل ودقيق الذّرة وزلال البيض في قدرٍ على حدة وتوضع القدر على نار متوسّطة الحرارة. يُحرّك المزيج باستمرار حتّى يغلي، ثم يُرفع عن النار ويوضع جانباً.

03 يُسخن زيت الزّيتون في مقلاة صغيرة ويُقَلّى الثّوم حتّى تفوح رائحته ثمّ يُضاف النّعناع والكزبرة ويُحرّك المزيج لبضع ثوان. يُسكب فوق مزيج اللّبن ويُخلط.

04 يُصفّى لحم البقر المطبوخ وحبّات البصل الصغيرة ويُسكبان فوق مزيج اللّبن. يُحرّك المزيج ويُقدّم مع الأرز المطهو على البخار.

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ملتقى التعليم والحياة المهنية

موضوع تعبير عن الندوة باللغة الانجليزية

موضوع طھط¹ط¨ظٹط± عن ط§ظ„ظ†ط¯ظˆط© ط¨ط§ظ„ظ„ط؛ط© الانجليزية

Expression of the symposium (divorce in our society)
Divorce is a social psychological problem .. A general phenomenon in all societies and appears to be increasingly widespread in the Gulf Mojtmaatna in modern times .. Divorce is the (most hated thing) because of its negative implications for the disintegration of the family and the increasing hostility and hatred and negative effects on children and then the social and psychological effects from the many mental disorders to deviant behavior, crime, etc. ..

What is no doubt that regulate the relationship between men and women and family formation has attracted the attention of thinkers since a long time .. We find in all religions, laws and ethics classes and wide to regulate the relationship and ensure the existence and continuity. And interested in religion and intellectuals, sociologists and psychologists, this relationship .. Each side tries to present Maikhaddm the success of this relationship because this is the continuation of life itself, happiness and development ..

There are many reasons for divorce, including the duo boredom and ease of change and find alternative and the tyranny of material life and the search for pleasures and the spread of selfish and weak character. All of this needs to be reform and the need to uphold the values ​​and virtues and good example .. Among other reasons (adultery) and agree a lot of views on the impossibility of continuing the relationship after the occurrence of marital infidelity, especially in the treacherous situation of women .. In the case of the man he betrayed different opinions abound and justifications that are trying to support the continuation of the marital relationship .. In our country, this phenomenon seems to be rare Mgaronp with other communities ..

Here we come to an important cause of the causes of divorce, which is ((a mismatch between the couple) and includes compatibility intellectual and agree personal foul and harmony of the spiritual and emotional .. and of course, these generalizations difficult selection .. It is hard to find a man and a woman were getting closer in all things .. and here are different scales with mean words (compatibility) and to what extent this should be done .. and we must modify our ideas and expectations on the subject of compatibility because it benefits a lot to accept husbands to their wives and vice versa .. and ideals lead to dissatisfaction and to disease relationship and degradation .. In practical, we find that to be a minimum of similarity in the case of the continuation of the marital relationship to its success ..

Born alike in the convergence and cooperation .. And variation is generated revulsion and hatred and negative feelings .. The similarity does not mean that one spouse is a replica of the other .. Can the differences between the spouses to be useful as she was in the framework of integration and difference that makes the building the relationship varied and exciting and vital .. If the difference is large or competitive, it was hostile spouses away from each other and fed by hatred and revulsion and intolerance, leading to divorce ..

We find that the number of people lacking ((sensitivity to the wishes of the other and his feelings or inexperienced in dealing with others)) and that because of his character and composition of inertia or for educational reasons and the harsh conditions and a variety of Ahramanat or for reasons of ignorance and inexperience.

The scourge of modern divorce intrusive on the table of science and morality in our societies and must be that everyone come together to reduce the increase did not realize it, they will eat the green and Elias .. What we hear that the divorce rate in our communities has become a scary it’s become a real disaster ..

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ملتقى التعليم والحياة المهنية

كم عدد الذين يحملون اسم محمد في العالم و السعودية و الخليج و في الدول العربية – بحث مدرسي

كم عدد ط§ظ„ط°ظٹظ† ظٹط­ظ…ظ„ظˆظ† اسم ظ…ط­ظ…ط¯ في ط§ظ„ط¹ط§ظ„ظ… و ط§ظ„ط³ط¹ظˆط¯ظٹط© و ط§ظ„ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ و في ط§ظ„ط¯ظˆظ„ العربية

آسَم محمد وٍ محموٍد همآ آكـَثرٍ آسَميِّن آنتشّآرٍآ فيِّ آلعآلم حسَب آلإحصآئيِّآت .
وٍ عدد من يِّحملوٍن آسَم محمد وٍ محموٍد فيِّ آلعآلم تقرٍيِّبآ (18) مليِوٍون .

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ملتقى التعليم والحياة المهنية

بحث عن فوائد التمر باللغة الانجليزية

بحث عن ظپظˆط§ط¦ط¯ ط§ظ„طھظ…ط± ط¨ط§ظ„ظ„ط؛ط© الانجليزية

In the name of God the Merciful

Dates mine of vitamins called dates mine to the large number of the contents of mineral elements such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, sulfur and chlorine also contains dates also vitamins: a 1 ​​b 2 d as well as sugars easy simple in composition and is characterized by dates several benefits of health, notably that the tonic to the liver, laxative and increases the sexual power, especially with pine, also addresses the roughness of the throat, one of the most plant nutrition for the body, and eat on an empty stomach kills the worms
As well as with tonic to the muscles, nerves, and the nape of the aging, and fights nervous anxiety and activates the thyroid and unrelenting blood vessels, it also moisturizes the intestine and protect it from weakness and inflammation, and strengthens the rooms the brain and are struggling dizziness and jink sight and inaction and laziness and generates urine and cleans the liver and wash the kidney
According to the dates soaked against coughs and bronchitis, as it grapples with fibers constipation and its salts modify the acidity of the blood caused by kidney stones and gall bladder, gout, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure does not prevent dates only for obese and diabetic 00 dates of the best food in the country, hot and cold it is easy to digest (digest Within an hour almost in the stomach) and helps the body get rid of constipation because it has fiber Sliosep help bowel movements as well as circularity that dates food is fruit, syrup, candy and medicine
And is composed of 21% water, and a large number of vitamins, 1.2% protein, 18% fat, sugars and 73%, 3% fiber
One kilogram of dates gives the calorific value itself that gives one kilogram of meat, and three times what gives a kilo of fish, and moisturizes the intestine Faihfezha of inflammation and weakness, which is rich in sugar and grape sugar fruits and sugar cane, and it includes material cut blood pressure for pregnant women, and provide the body heat and vitamin Assistant growth strengthens the nerves, and gives the iron necessary for blood and phosphorus is important to think about and helps to calm and peace of mind so it is prescribed for nervous and Thairi mood as to eat on an empty stomach kills the worms.
For a meal full of dates best to drink milk with it.

Dates and the benefits of her

Dates from more kinds of fruit spread a healthy food center and natural, and is characterized by dates on many of the food where defense of nutrients beneficial to the human body and feeds on the fruit of many people around the world, Valtamor rich in sugar 65-75%, as it is rich in minerals and many vitamins .

Sugar dates:

Distinguish the type of sugars dates as rapid absorption goes directly into the blood after absorption and then to the somatic cells does not require absorption to the digestion of complex, as in the materials carbohydrates and fat, therefore, we see that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him was fast before praying on the fresh dates, the were not Vtmirat the fresh dates were not Tmira Hassoat sense of water and this is guidance from the Messenger of Peace by the best wisdom is fasting as disturbed by the lack of some kinds of sugars, which provide him with energy
As well as some critical elements and important dates, and is known as rapid digestion, absorption, and contains Algelolkoz as well as fructose, which absorb from the bowel wall is fast and easy.
Also, starting with dates or wet things useful health as the fasting stomach be quiet relaxed throughout the fasting hours Faihbz healthy food to begin material easy to digest and quick absorption.
As well as the Dates are different kinds of good source of potassium and iron are moderate in their content of calcium and contain a high content of phosphorus, which is the stimulus for the forces of intellectual and physical as well as Valtamor rich in vitamin A and medium in vitamins B1, B2 and low in vitamin C as the advan***e of vitamin A, which resides in the increase where weight is a growth factor and The interest in strengthening the optic nerves and the fight against night blindness, as to what the advan***e of vitamins B6, b2, b1 the present it is also nerve-tonic and laxative of blood vessels.
The fat and protein in the dates Vttoagd rates very low .. And dates is very important for children as an alternative to the candy industry that are harmful to teeth, and helps them to strengthen and improve their health and eating dates with meals rids the body of toxic waste resulting from the ****bolism ..
As we know that the dates are preferred food in the desert to the possibility of preservation of a good storage and a long time without exposure to corruption and provide Asnavha daily either fresh with meals and hospitality with coffee at all times or intervention in the manufacture of food products, multi-such as date palm dried and stored under vacuum as well as can be made ​​of jam and drink milk with dates (molasses), sweets, pastries, biscuits and other products.
The benefits of dates that has an impact well to get rid of toxic waste that result from the ****bolism of foodstuffs within the body and has indicated scientific research that the residents of the oases and desert areas does not spread, including cancer and attributed the cause to they depend on the dates as the main staple and is also rich in the element magnesium as we have a condom – God willing – from cancer.
We have also noted that the alkaline salts in dates is working to correct the acidity of the blood resulting from excessive intake of meat and starches, which caused the injury much of the genetic diseases such as diabetes, gout, kidney stones kidney infections and bitterness and high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, and this confirms the words of the Prophet peace be upon him that the dates go where the disease is disease, and said: Pressed (one of the dates) of the Paradise and the healing.
As the dates for those wasted medication and that he goes to unilateral sugars that do not require the digestion of sugars and bilateral and dates does not contain materials impede the absorption of iron also increases the degree of efficiency of receptor sites in the body, especially in children.

7 dates, source of dietary fiber:

The structure dates chemotherapy as in (Figure 1) shows contain dates, a good proportion of fiber, which helps the intestines of movement circularity and make dates Melina naturally excellent, and he also rich in the element potassium, which helps to expel excess sodium from the body, which leads to storage of water As the dates diuretic and wash cleans the kidneys and liver of toxins within these organs as a result it contains a high proportion of simple sugars.
The benefits of dates, it reduces the speed of nervous irritability resulting from an overactive thyroid, so if you’re nervous or if your son a swift motion and irritation and nervous Note the dates have the ability to the reduction of secretory of the thyroid gland, which causes increased activity secretory to the speed of nervous irritability and nervous From the above, and whatever we say about dates, we will not give it their natural right as it contains many of the benefits of health and food, but I like to mention that we are and despite our belief in the great pride in this Palm, for providing dates and fruits rich in mind the benefits , but I like to explain that we must We turn dates normally and not to increase the acceptable limits, because these fruits contain sugars and if we do not carry out the movement and activity required by the body may increase in weight as well as patients with diabetes, it must deal with dates like fruit where it should be among the alternatives, the basic treatment.

7 benefits of health dates
1 – easy to digest food do not overtax the stomach.
2 – limit of feeling very hungry, who feel the fast
3 – create the dates the stomach to receive food
4 – protects against arrest (constipation).
5 – diuretic and wash the kidney.
6 – cleans the liver of toxins.
7 – calm the nervous irritability

Proved in the right for peace be upon him: (it could become a seven dates does not matter on that day, the magic cm) and the term: (from it could become a seven dates of the high-pass does not matter on that day, the magic cm) and proved that he said: ( Beit Atmar the hungry people). And proved that he was eating dates, butter, and eat dates, bread, and eating dates and odd dates of the liver tonic laxative for more than printed in the Beh and eat on an empty stomach kills the worms and also with different kinds of benefits for many
First: it is the element magnesium-rich foods that protect against cancer
Second: it has a significant impact on calming the nerves of people with neurological diseases
Third: the natural mixture of iron and calcium and received by the body digest easily

Dates for Aenql germs or microbes, and licorice on the inside of the dates that kills germs that may infect humans
The pollen plant addresses infertility in women and dates happy heart sad
Medina and with more than sixty varieties is the best in the world with
And dates Noha is elixir of youth and the great secret and it activates the glands, strengthens the nerves

And dates give you a single e Bsarat sufficient for a full day of effort

And prevents the dates of many human diseases resulting from vitamin deficiency
1 – night blindness
2 – Dry skin
3 – recurrence cough and a lack of Vitamin – A
4 – osteomalacia and vitamin A deficiency – d
5 – Lynn bones Alihuz when pregnant and a lack of vitamin D _
6 – continuous bleeding and a lack of Vitamin – K
7 – Anemia
8 – gum disease and tooth and not Alltiam wounds
9 – pernicious anemia and vitamin B complex

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