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Some OTOP, a Bike, and 3100ws of flash good

Some OTOP, a Bike, and 3100ws of flash good ، Some OTOP, a Bike, and 3100ws of flash good

this was just an impromptu shoot for the fun of it
it was 95 degrees and in midday sun, and really fucking windy 😮

Some OTOP, a Bike, and 3100ws of flash good 5338713214_bd4304dc3

Some OTOP, a Bike, and 3100ws of flash good 5338712992_0d6af8b8d

From left to right
left; jinbei rd1200 with 90cm octa
middle; two quadra rx’s with standard reflectors
right; ranger rx with 150cm midi octa on the right
all at full power

triggered with elinchrom skyports, pocketwizard tt5 and phottix atlas (a bit of a mess lol) :rofl:

and a before and after 😮
Some OTOP, a Bike, and 3100ws of flash good 5338101935_ff604a196

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